In the beginning

Around about 3 years ago, I went to Dawn with an idea.  I knew Dawn had always wanted to write a book.  I also knew, from her blog, that I enjoyed her writing.  Knowing all of this I went to Dawn and asked her if she would be interested in writing a book with me.  I am not a writer. You’ll soon see that from my posts.  I like stories and am pretty good at coming up with them. But, when it comes to putting them down in words, it just doesn’t work.  I needed someone to collaborate with someone who has the ability to put the story to paper (or Google document in our case).

We then agreed to wait until the first of the year to start with this new adventure.  And adventure it has been.  We’ve gone from writing every second we could to months without touching the draft. It has been a ride and I, we, hope to share some of that ride with you here.

Enjoy the ride,

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